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Super Auto Pets

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31.2 k downloads

Create your perfect deck of adorable animals

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Super Auto Pets is a strategy game of automatic battles where the player will form a whole team of adorable animals that have their own abilities. Take on other players from all over the world and build the best deck with a good strategy to win the game.

Super Auto Pets works as a card strategy game, this time with animal stickers that present a cute aesthetic. Each animal has its own abilities, which will allow the player to choose the best combination to face the enemy. In the loading menu before the game, you can select which character will accompany you in battle. In addition, you will be able to add some advantages to their hit and life points thanks to the food you can buy. Once you have chosen the best strategy and the positive effects you would like to take advantage of the supplies you have acquired, the battle begins.

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The Super Auto Pets game starts by showing all the animals in a row. They will face each other one by one. Each animal has a specific attack and life point —the higher the attack number, the more damage it will do to the enemy. Life points are subtracted according to the hit you receive from the enemy player. The animations are very fun and dynamic. In these automatic battles, the player will see how the skills are activated as the combat progresses.

Super Auto Pets is a very exciting and entertaining strategy game that can make any user fall in love with it. An enjoyable and cute game design will make the player get carried away with automatic battles on their Android device.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.1 or higher required

Information about Super Auto Pets 174

Package Name com.teamwood.spacewood.unity
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Strategy
Language English
Author Team Wood Games
Downloads 31,214
Date Sep 11, 2024
Content Rating All ages
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 166 Android + 7.1 Jun 10, 2024
apk 165 Android + 7.1 Jun 6, 2024
apk 164 Android + 7.1 Jun 1, 2024
xapk 161 Android + 7.1 Mar 20, 2024
apk 161 Android + 7.1 May 12, 2024
apk 160 Android + 5.1 Mar 14, 2024

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